"Say Hello" is a series of posts on the ArtWalk Gardiner blog where we meet local businesses who support the ArtWalk by providing a venue for artists to display their work and greet the public. In our first installment we talk with Clare Marron of Monkitree.
Tell us about your business:
I refer to Monkitree as a fine art and craft gallery. Peter and I will celebrate 2 years for Monkitree in May.
As soon as we purchased the building we participated...so before Monkitree opened. We have also had artwalk participants use our second floor (we are beginning renovation so no longer available).
What do you enjoy most about being a part of ArtWalk Gardiner?
I love the excitement of the evening- people out in the street and in the businesses having a good time with neighbors and friends.
We carry Mary K Spencer's pottery (The Potter's House) year round. She is an Artwalk participant so she shows at Monkitree. People are always thrilled to find a piece and meet the artist.